On Death and Dying: Words of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi

Ramana Maharshi was and is a Satguru (one who can lead you all the way to enlightenment) – for although he left his physical body decades ago, his Spirit continues to burn as bright as a million suns…check out this wonderful post, especially if you are one of the few on our planet who seeks moksha, that freedom from desire and fear that leads to permanent peace and joy…greetings from the sacred hill Arunachala!


Bhagavan Ramana as a youth Bhagavan Ramana as a youth

The devotees know that Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi had an intense experience of death in his seventeenth year. After the experience ended, he was established in the realisation of his true Self and the illusion of death died forever.

Here is in part Bhagavan’s description of what happened:

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2 thoughts on “On Death and Dying: Words of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi

  1. Thank you, Mira, for sharing some of Ramana’s wisdom. I didn’t know his breakthrough was related to a near death experience. Yes, the ego is the source of the individual dream we are experiencing. It is the source of all our tribulations because of the separation from God it creates. We will be free! Om Namah Sivaaya!

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